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Java Operators

Logical operator

About logical operators

Logical operators are used to combine two or more Boolean values and return a Boolean value. The following are the logical operators in Java: AND (&&): Returns true if both operands are true. OR (||): Returns true if at least one operand is true. NOT (!): Returns the opposite of the operand. Here are some examples of how logical operators are used in Java:
Logical Operator
boolean x = true; boolean y = false; // Check if both x and y are true boolean and = x && y; // false // Check if at least one of x and y is true boolean or = x || y; // true // Check if the opposite of x is true boolean not = !x; // false
The operands of a logical operator must be of the Boolean type. The result of a logical operation is a Boolean value. Here are some other important points to keep in mind about logical operators in Java: Logical operators are evaluated from left to right. The operands of a logical operator must be of the Boolean type. The result of a logical operation is a Boolean value. Logical operators can be used to make more complex decisions in your code, such as: If the user is over 18 and has a valid ID, allow them to enter the website. If the number is even or the number is divisible by 3, print "The number is even or divisible by 3". If the two strings are not equal, print "The strings are not equal". Logical operators can be a powerful tool for making complex decisions in your code, but they can also be difficult to understand. It is important to carefully understand the behavior of logical operators before using them in your code. Here are some additional details about the logical operators in Java: The AND operator returns true only if both operands are true. The OR operator returns true if at least one operand is true. The NOT operator returns the opposite of the operand. The precedence of logical operators is as follows: NOT | AND | OR This means that the NOT operator is evaluated first, followed by the AND operator, and then the OR operator.


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